Research Cooperation Network Analysis in the Public Administration Domain

Ren-Zhong Wei, Min Yang, Peng-Hui Lyu


We construct scientific research cooperation net­works in the field of public management to provide empirical support for exploring the trend in cooper­ation in the public administration domain. Based on the SSCI database, the co-authored papers in the field of public administration from 1921 to 2022 are selected as data sources. Ucient software is used to visualize the cooperation networks of countries, cit­ies, institutions, and authors in public administration research, and to explore the spatial structure and driving factors of cooperation networks at different levels. The country-level cooperation in public ad­ministration research is closely related to geograph­ical location and is affected by regional agreements to some extent. London and Washington are locat­ed at the center of the global public administration cooperation network, and the city-level cooperation network is affected by south–north differentiation and the east–west gap in global economic develop­ment and thus exhibits significant non-equilibrium. The institutions in the United Kingdom, America, and Canada are the main forces of international cooperation in the field of public administration and accordingly occupy a dominant position in cooper­ation networks. The authors’ collaboration network in the public administration research shows strong centrality. 


public administration; international cooperation; network analysis; visualization; literature measures.

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