The general topic covered by the articles in the Review is administrative sciences. As a result of an interdisciplinary, modern approach, the articles cover the following specific themes: Public management, public policy, administrative law, public policy analysis, regional development, community development, public finances, urban planning, program evaluation in public administration, ethics, comparative administrative systems, etc. TRAS encourages the authors to submit articles that are based on empirical research. From the standpoint of the topic covered, TRAS is lined up with the trends followed by other international journals in the field of public administration.
All articles submitted to the Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences have to present a clear connection to the field of administrative sciences and the research (both theoretical and empirical) should be conducted from this perspective. Interdisciplinary topics related to organizational theory, sustainable development and CSR, international relations, etc. can be considered for publication, however the research needs to address relevant issues from the perspective of the public sector. Articles which use highly specialized econometrics models as well as studies addressing macro-economic topics will not be considered for evaluation. The decision on whether a certain topic falls within the interest of TRAS belongs to the editors and it is not connected with the overall quality of the work submitted.
We have received notifications from authors who have published in TRAS or who know our journal regarding fake emails which are being sent on behalf of the journal, promising a very fast review process and the publication of the article in exchange for a fee.
TRAS is an open access journal, we do not charge any fees for editing and / or publishing in open access mode and the review process takes several months. We also publish only articles closely related to the field of administrative sciences, in no way is it possible to include in TRAS broad areas such as those promised in the emails sent on behalf of the journal.
TRAS is an open access journal. Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
2024: Special Issue
Table of Contents
Maria P. Aristigueta
Matthew R. Auer
Geert Bouckaert
Dawn R. Gilpin
Irma Grdzelidze, Eka Akobia
Călin E. Hințea
Diana Camelia Iancu
Karen Johnston, Andrew Massey
Paul Joyce
Erkki Karo, Wolfgang Drechsler
Ivan Koprić
Patrizia Magarò
Bogdana Neamțu, Paul Hossu
Juraj Nemec
Leslie A. Pal
Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Ruxandra Irina Popescu
Sarolta A. Takács
Tudor Țiclău, Cristina Hințea
Laszlo Vass
Michiel S. de Vries