A Case Study on China’s Policies of Promoting Work Resumption During the COVID-19 Pandemic — Perspective of Policy Resilience

Qicheng Lu, Bin Rong, Yijia Li


During the COVID-19 pandemic, China has achieved high recovery efficiency. One of the most important reasons behind this is the effective poli­cies of promoting work resumption. Why can such policies maintain steady performance despite the high level of environmental uncertainties? This ques­tion can be answered from the perspective of policy resilience. This study employed a policy evaluation model for analyzing quantitative data of 342 poli­cies of promoting work resumption. We evaluate the policies through the Policy Modeling Consistency (PMC-index) model and text mining methods. The results show that: first, the contents and elements of all policies have consistent characteristics, including the combination of multiple policy tools, the combi­nation of support for work resumption and pandem­ic control, the incentives to support effective policy implementation, and the reasonable match between macro and micro policies as well as short-term and long-term policies. Second, among the nine policies that are randomly selected from the sample, one is rated excellent and the other eight are good, indicat­ing that China’s policies of promoting work resump­tion have good resilience.


COVID-19 pandemic; policy resilience; China’s policies of promoting work resumption; PMC-Index Model.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24193/tras.SI2021.4 Creative Commons License
Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences by TRAS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Online ISSN: 2247-8310 | Print ISSN: 1842-2845 |  © AMP

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