Problems of Transforming Military Training Areas in a Post-Communist Space: Local Community Perceptions and Policy Implications

Bohumil Frantál, Josef Kunc, Martina Jaňurová, Tomáš Krejčí


The integration of socio-economically marginalized areas into regional systems in the context of post-communist transformation has been an important subject of social science research in general. The military training areas (MTA), as specific type of peripheries, have been so far little explored. Based on the results of an extensive questionnaire survey (N = 1,362), the authors of this study analyze local community perceptions of MTA in the Czech Republic, assess positive and negative impacts of MTA on the quality of life, and discuss possible future development scenarios of the areas. The results show that local communities in the hinterland of MTA perceive similar problems as those living in other peripheral and/or rural areas, particularly unemployment, limited options of obtaining own housing, maintenance of road infrastructure, limited options of leisure activities, etc. Ensuring a harmony between local development and MTA activities is considered a specific issue. Problems are perceived more likely by older and highly educated people, and those living in smaller municipalities with higher unemployment and municipalities located closer to MTA. On the other hand, young and less educated people living in larger municipalities with higher unemployment rates, which are located at a greater distance from county seats, perceive more likely positive impacts of MTA.


military training areas; periphery; perception; quality of life; Czech Republic.

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