Brain Drain in the EU: Local and Regional Public Policies and Good Practices

Emil Boc


The processes of brain drain and brain gain are in public debate today, just as they were more than 2,000 years ago or when the first European universities were established. The debate is far from over and the issue is debated both at the academic and political level.

There are several interconnected levels at which the issue needs to be addressed and solutions found: local, regional, national, and supranational (EU). Coordination of different funding sources should be improved at the EU level in the governance of post-2020 cohesion policy and programs.

The local and regional authorities can best analyze the specific needs of communities and find answers to them and thus play an important role in reducing the potential negative effects of brain drain processes and can support brain gain, brain regain and brain circulation processes. There are many examples of public policies and practices implemented by local and regional authorities - from supporting the relocation of talented individuals to those regions/cities to more sophisticated measures involving the development of transnational networks of entrepreneurs. The EU needs to support programs or initiatives that aim to enhance learning between different European local and regional authorities and the efforts of local and regional public bodies in addressing brain drain.


brain drain; brain gain; brain circulation; good practices

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