Cross-Border Cooperation as a Tool of Escaping Crisis Conditions in Slovenia
The article puts an emphasis on cross-border cooperation between Slovenian municipalities and municipalities in neighboring countries of Croatia, Austria, Hungary and Italy. The aim is to analyze different paths and methods of cross-border cooperation Slovenian municipalities are using in order to further own development and somewhat escape fi nancial crisis conditions autonomously. In Slovenia every third municipality is border municipality, which means that at least small part of their territory borders with the territory of municipality in one of the neighboring four countries. Since the central government does not rigidly regulate cross-border cooperation, but allows municipalities autonomy, each municipality can in its own way develop various forms and degrees of cooperation which are more or less intensively refl ected in the proper functioning of these municipalities. In this sense we present our thesis that cross-border cooperation is becoming one of the important sources of investment and economic development of otherwise heavily crisis-affected local communities in Slovenia.
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