Financial Resources Management - Factor of Sustainable Development of the NGO's Implementing Social Economy Activities

Sorin CACE, Daniel ARPINTE, Corina CACE, Daniela COJOCARU


The purpose of the paper is to approach the elements of financial management in terms of the structure of the incomes of the non-governmental organizations active in the field of social inclusion and to determine the way in which the strategies used to obtain these incomes fit the promotion of social economy as sustainable manner of support for the vulnerable groups. There are many economic activities which play an important role for the reinsertion of the vulnerable groups. The focus is on the inclusion of the Roma population, of the people with disabilities and of the young people living in placement centers. The NGOs mentioned several problems and difficulties they experienced in running these activities because the current regulations rather deter such initiatives and block the development of the social economy.


social economy; non-governmental organizations; management; structural changes; organizational development.

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