The Brownfield of Padurea Neagra (Crisul Repede Valley)
The presence and management of abandoned
industrial sites (brownfields), which cover large
areas of land in the Crişul Repede Valley Territorial
Planning Unit, is a great challenge. Of the many
abandoned industrial sites, the glass factory of
Pădurea Neagră was selected in order to highlight
the peculiarities of a certain typology of territorial
occupation and use, which is representative for
the studied area. The whole abandoned area was
reserved entirely for the glass factory, which now
finds itself in an advanced stage of degradation.
As a peculiarity, one remarks that it is surrounded
by the neighboring secondary homes, an area
in full expansion. The industrial zone covers a
significant part of the built-up area of the village
(21%), preventing the development of the territory
in question, while at the same time it creates an
aesthetic disability for the small community which
has only the perspective of tourism development.
The revitalization of the community can be
achieved through the rehabilitation/conversion
of the industrial area, as a valid alternative to
the inevitable urban expansion, as it will have a
positive impact on the development of tourism.
There are many uses which could be gained as a
result of the rehabilitation, but the most appropriate
use would be a multifunctional center of creation,
accompanied by a small glass museum and a
workshop that would produce small-scale traditional
glasswork, for tourism purposes.
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